Geography lessons, at St. Peter’s, aim to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world which will stay with them throughout their lives. Our pupils learn about diverse places, people, resources and environments, with a deepening understanding of the earth’s key physical and human processes.
Culture- Our curriculum incorporates how cultures and societies shape landscapes. We promote respect and understanding of other cultures and religious beliefs around the world.
Oracy- Knowledge mats including key vocabulary which we use to explain our knowledge and understanding of the world through geographical conversations.
Understanding the World- Progressive planning builds upon previous knowledge and understanding of the world.
Reading- Shared geographical texts, which link to our curriculum units, support an understanding of geographical concepts and vocabulary.
Arts- Opportunities for showing our geographical understanding through the arts are included in our lessons e.g. debating current issues of climate change.
Growth- Through our curriculum, we promote growth mindset including recognising our place in the world and the impact we can have. We learn about humans overcoming adversity through discrete discussions e.g. actions to aid climate change in the Himalayas, differences we can make in our local area.
Enquiry- Progressive planning includes enquiry skills e.g. from asking simple geographical questions in Early Years to investigating current geographical issues and implications in Year 6. We take part in surveys and fieldwork.
2024 Geography Competition
What a fantastic response to our 2024 Geography competition! The entries for this year's competition showed superb ideas for ensuring a sustainable world. Thank you so much to everyone who entered and congratulations to our winners. Photographs of all our wonderful winning entries can be found in the files below.
A huge thank you also to our amazing Geography Ambassadors; it was a very difficult competition to judge!
Geography Ambassadors
Our Geography Ambassadors aim to develop the learning in our school. Some of their tasks include challenging the school with our weekly 'Geog Your Memory' questions and updating our vocabulary wall.
Our knowledge mats are designed to outline the 'sticky knowledge' and vocabulary that children need to understand and remember for each unit. Children use the knowledge mats within our geography lessons to support their learning. They are added to our geography books at the start of each unit. The knowledge mats for this half term can be found in the files below.
An example of a knowledge mat:
Click on the following link to see all of our Geography knowledge mats:
The use of language is a core part of learning geography. Children draw upon geographical vocabulary to identify and name places, the features within them and the human and physical features of them. They explain their knowledge and understanding of the world through geographical conversations. In each year group, children learn different vocabulary which they will use within their studies. They refresh their knowledge of the words used in previous year groups to support their geographical explanations throughout school. Our whole school geographical vocabulary list can be found below.
An example of a class vocabulary list:
Knowledge Retrieval
Each of our Geography units begin with a knowledge retrieval exercise in which children recall previous content. This allows them to deepen their knowledge and make links between concepts. These activities enable children to reflect on their areas of strength and identify the gaps in their knowledge.
Another strategy for knowledge retrieval is our weekly 'Geog Your Memory' question. This is added, by our Geography Ambassadors, to our Geography board and also asked at the end of a weekly assembly. An example is:
'How many oceans are there? Can you name them?'
We also promote the retrieval of vocabulary used in our curriculum. Our Geography ambassadors add a new word with definition to our Geography board on a weekly basis.
Why is reading important in Geography?
In each year group, we read and discuss books, which are related to our learning, to stimulate, enliven and enrich our geography curriculum. Using books and stories supports geographical teaching and develops children's knowledge and sense of place, creative and reflective thinking, enquiry and problem solving skills. The use of language is also an integral part of learning geography. It is through language that children understand geographical concepts, develop geographical thinking and communicate geographical ideas.
We use the vocabulary from our knowledge mats when discussing the books we read.
How do we support all of our learners?
Every child learns differently. Adaptive teaching means that teachers focus on the whole class and adapt their teaching to make it appropriate for all students. At St. Peter’s, we adapt our teaching to respond to the different strengths and needs of all our pupils, removing barriers to learning and allowing all our children opportunities to meet the expectations of the lesson. More details about how teachers adapt Geography lessons to support all our children, including those with SEND, can be found in the files below.
Our subscriptions support the teaching of Geography at St. Peter’s:
Oddizzi is an online geography resource for primary schools. They aim to inspire children with a deep and lifelong love of the subject.
Designed to engage pupils and inspire them to be curious and fascinated about the world, Digimap for Schools provides students and teachers with digital access to modern day and historic maps and detailed aerial imagery to enable the teaching of Geography.
Click on the images below to visit the websites.
Enriching our Geography Curriculum at St.Peter's
Summer Term 2023/24
15th April 2024- Competition Display- Our amazing winning entries from our 'Protecting Our Earth' competition can now be seen on the display board outside the Year 3 classroom.
22nd April 2024- Earth Day- Learn more about our magnificent planet during a whole school assembly and make a pledge about how you will make a difference on our 'Pledge Hands'. If you want to learn what other people have pledged, take a look at our display outside the hall and in our Environment Hub.
3rd June 2024- Recycling Talk - Year 2 and Year 5 will find out about why recycling is so important, and how we can recycle, with a talk from St.Helens Council Recycling Department.